Home Economics, who and what I am today.
Back in lower secondary school days, Home Economics equate to FUN. And when I mean fun, it’s truly because most Home Economics lessons were cooking, cooking and more cooking. All I could recall for Home Economics was zero theory and only practical sessions! To be frank, I did not recall even a single bit of sewing I did in Home Economics (probably by then, sewing was not included in the Home Economics curriculum in my secondary school). The only time I remembered handling readymade “handphone pouches”, and all we had to do was to decorate it with some sequins, beads and fabric glue.
My mother ever told me during her time, in Secondary 1, they were supposed to make items like basic skirt and teddy bears, which I thought was really interesting! And to think of it, I only knew how to make it when I was in Temasek Polytechnic, when we had to do sewing!
I enjoy cooking since young as I get many tips from my parents. As many know, my parents owned a catering in Singapore before, and now my parents are in Hong Kong, bringing the business to a restaurant setting. My parents often shares tips with me regarding cooking and baking thus, enhancing my interest in cooking which made my decision to take up the subject Food & Nutrition (F&N) during upper secondary.
When I had Food & Nutrition in Secondary 3 and 4, then I realized how subjects like Home Economics and Food & Nutrition can be applied to life. For instance, in Home Economics, we learn theories like money management and methods of cooking which applies to daily life as we are always handling with money! Be it our $2 - 4 pocket money we get, we had to plan how much we want to spend and save. And knowing different methods of cooking allow us to prepare food for different people and occasions, isn’t it applying to our daily lives? Even when our mothers prepare meals at home, we could identify the cooking methods!
-And now, what Home Economics mean to me?-
I treat Home Economics equally to how I treat other subject. Why? The results of subjects like english, mathematics, science, mother tongue, it all affects our class position and total score. Does Home Economics affect? BIG YES! It does! So why does students regard Home Economics as something not useful considering that it even teaches us practical things that can be applied to life?
After enrolling in Temasek Polytechnic (TP) and subsequently National Institute of Education (NIE), it made me change my thoughts 360 degrees about Home Economics. Home Economics meant more than just cooking. Cooking, sewing, life skills that you cannot learn in other subjects, all packed in one. You do not know when you will need these skills, but it comes in handy at all times and you might use these useful skills unknowingly most of the time.
What made me a more determined person and my decision of becoming a Home Economics teacher? It all stared during my Student Internship Programme (SIP), when I was posted to Paya Lebar Methodist Girls’ School (Secondary) (PLMGSS). It was an enriching experience which allowed me to get a taste of what teaching is going to be like. Not only that I gained knowledge of how to handle students I also learned to work with the fellow colleagues especially my supervising teacher. The environment was supportive and I enjoyed sharing my knowledge with students. AND I LOVE HOME ECONOMICS which is the most important factor in choosing my career as a Home Economics Teacher.
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