Saturday, September 25, 2010

Web Reviews

Review #1

My first web review is really very useful for novice learning sewing. From techniques to sewing, to one-at-a-time steps for sewing projects, they probably have what you need to know as a novice for sewing. Want to know more on this website? Follow me through this website review and I will share with you some interesting parts in this website and you will understand why I love this website so much!

Firstly up, on the left of the column, there is one whole list of projects (there is even more of it on the main website, this is just a preview of what you will see in the actual website) that you can work on. From simple to complicated designs, you can find it here! Making toys, quilt, fashion items, you can learn it all from here.

The "How-To" list, there is one long list down, and again this is just part of it. This section of the website reveals basic sewing tools, sewing machine basic operations, teaching you to choose fabrics, quilting, simple hems and the list goes down on and on, its just like a FAQ page, and its totally great for me, since I have not been sewing for quite sometime and this is sure a good refresher for a new start for me. *thumbs up!*

Next up, let me guide you through this interesting list of items that are absolutely do-able! I chose the 'Quilt Projects' and after clicking it, you see a long list of pictures of projects, all the little preview tabs on the items that you want to make. See something you really like and feel like trying out, but afraid that you aren't capable of doing it, click onto the icon and a PDF file will be ready to guide you through the sewing journey!

Next step, after choosing one project that you feel like working on? See the line there 'Download Project Instructions'? Click onto it! It will give you a very very detailed instruction on what you need for this project and the methodology for this looking confusing but yet simple project!

This is part of the print screen of the PDF file that is provided in the previous page, it consist of very precise explaination on the project and worrying of how to cut the fabric into the desired shape? No worries at all, even a template was given in the PDF file!

After reviewing this page, sewing seems a little step easier, isn't it? I feel this way, and I hope all my readers have the same thoughts too! Even if you might be new to sewing, or going to start learning sewing, all I have to say is, one step at a time! (:

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