Review #5 Website: The Health Promotion Board (Singapore) website is a very useful website to obtain nutritional and health information. This website provides both educators and learners a wide range of information from pamphlets on health to analyzing the nutrients in your food or in your recipe. Let me introduce the few useful points in this website that will probably help you a lot in your coursework or understanding on health and nutrition.
Firstly, a whole list of 'Health Topics' that you can click on and learn more about it. This is definitely be good to know as we know, "prevent is better than cure", so why not put ourselves into a lower risk in getting these diseases or problems? (There is a whole list of such in few pages, do take a look!) Next up, one of my favourite! It comes in really handy when you need to plan events that are related to Food & Nutrition. I remembered using these resources when I needed to decorate the notice boards in my attached school last year. The information is interesting and absolutely credible!
A whole list of 'Health Tools' that can help you to promote better health. BMI calculator assessing your Body Mass Index to the food you eat; is it excessive eating or not, count it using the Calorie Counter!
These are the screen shots of the Calorie Counter. It is some what accurate as they took considerations of gender, different height and weight. For the next question, they even asked the job nature, is your job light activity or moderate activity? Next, assessing how active you are, therefore, determining your daily calorie requirements!
Wonder is your input of energy too much and need a rough guide to how much calories you're eating? Check out the nutrient composition of foods using this aid. It has a whole list of different foods that you can take a look at, from vegetable based food to beverages, it all counts in our diet! So want to find out the amount of calories in your butter cake that you're eating so constantly? Check out this function on the HPB website!
My "best friend" when I was doing my Food & Nutrition Coursework in Secondary 4. I relied so much on this and this is a super useful tool (and important tool) in meal planning as every nutrient was critical when we were planning and cooking! What is it? The RECIPE ANALYSIS! This recipe analyzer analyzes the nutrients in the dish that you are preparing. First step, enter the ingredients that you used to cooked the dish (for instance, I'm preparing fried rice). Choose the ingredient that is closest to your match from a whole long list of foods.
Next, enter the amount of ingredients you used in the dish. Like for rice, the quantity can be in bowls and eggs can be as a whole, and the others in grams or teaspoon, etc. You can even choose the different method of cooking for the different ingredients (as we know different cooking methods involves different "other ingredients" like oil, so it also affect the calorie value of the dish)
After choosing the right amount of ingredients that is used in the dish, analyze the recipe. And what you can see is a whole list of nutrients in the dish, most were the key nutrients like proteins, fats and carbohydrate. Amounts for sodium and cholesterol also stated so if you are planning for some one with hypertension or obese, you know what you can look out for!
To end off, I suppose everyone knows about this website or at least heard of the term HPB before, so if you need more information on how to analyze the food or on diseases, be sure to check the HPB website! (:
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