This week, I handed up an essay for Social Context titled 'The Passion to Teach'. What is exactly passion? Passion to me and everyone is probably a strong emotional or liking to something. But how do you show your passion? Today, I'll be sharing a website that I really LOVE. What is it? PHOTO CREDIT TO AUNTY YOCHANA
Aunty Yochana's passion for baking! I'm a constant blog reader of hers, simply because I ENVY her! If you ever go into her blog, seriously, you will be amazed by the number of things she can make! That is what I call passion for something. If I am not wrong she bakes everyday (or almost because you see updates super often!). I got to know this blog through my mother because my mum loves baking too! And that she learnt how to make macarons from her, and really successful ones! Okay, time to show some goodies! (:
The unfrosted cake, when I saw this, I was obviously amazed by how she can play with colours, and just by looking at it, it really cheers me up! (:
Macarons; very very pretty right! I do not know since when I have the fetish for macarons, probably its round and small and cute and and and..... I've been receiving macarons for 2 years as my birthday present! Cute things! (:
Hello kitty printed on icing sheet (or something) ontop of macarons! This is like my two favourite things! I think she even has a printer to print edible ink on the sheets! How cool! (:
And more goodies, customized cakes! Cute right! (: Although I do not get to taste them, but just by looking at it, it made my day! (: I hope it does to you all too! Want to view more goodies, visit Aunty Yochana!
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